CPMA 2024 Annual Conference & Expo

Procurement Strategies for Modern Parking Technology

Wednesday, September 25, 3:00 PM, Room: Lakeview

This session will offer valuable insights into the best practices and strategies for procuring and implementing cutting-edge solutions in today’s evolving parking, transportation, and mobility environment. New technologies are not “out-of-the-box”, “plug and play” or “one size fits all”. Rather, new solutions require a project management team that is collaborative with the successful bidder and builds the end solution in an iterative process.  Today, traditional procurement methods are being challenged. Municipalities, parking authorities, and other public entities must evolve to adapt to the dynamic nature of modern parking technology. This presentation will explore the formation of successful project teams and provide essential parameters for ensuring technology projects meet their intended goals. Topics will include cooperatives, leveraging other government contracts, understanding the role of RFPs (Request for Proposal) and RFIs (Request for Information), and handling procurements under statutory amounts. This presentation will emphasize the importance of developing a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) at the time of the RFP. It will also promote a shift in mindset, encouraging a partnership-oriented approach rather than a traditional vendor relationship. 

Learning Objectives

  • Identify various methods of procuring parking technology and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

  •  Discuss challenges in technology procurement including managing project schedules with critical paths, adapting to unforeseen circumstances, risk management, documenting processes, and effective contract development.

  • Highlight the benefits of a collaborate partnership to ensure project success from the procurement phase through implementation and beyond.

Scott Petri (Mobility & Parking Advisors, LLC)

Scott Petri is President of Mobility & Parking Advisors, LLC. He brings a diverse range of skills from his 39 year legal career, serving as a state representative, and as Executive Director for the Philadelphia Parking Authority for four years. Scott is well equipped to provide a unique prospective to the parking and enforcement industry. During his tenure at the PPA, Scott led  the transition of several new technologies including the deployment  of a new ticketing sand enforcement system to a new vendor and successfully transferring 30 years of data to a new platform and many other large projects.


This conference offers up to 7 CAPP Points towards application and the maximum in Program Type 2 for recertification.