CPMA 2024 Annual Conference & Expo

Mastering Incident Command System (ICS) for Parking and Mobility Professionals

Tuesday, September 24, 11:15 AM, Room: Lakeview

In order to fulfill NIMS/ICS requirements mandated for use by Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5: Management of Domestic Incidents in 2003 for federal, state, and local governmental entities, college/ universities should determine what personnel need to receive Incident Command System (ICS) and National Incident Management System (NIMS) training based on their role(s) in the overall institution emergency management program. The Incident Command System (ICS) is the standard, on-scene, organizational framework used to coordinate responses for both incidents (unplanned situations necessitating a response) and events (planned situations). ICS defines and organizes personnel, facilities, equipment and communications by using standard terminology, personnel units and supervisor titles. The system is modular, flexible and adaptable which allows the structure to expand or contract based on the size and complexity of the incident. The foundation of ICS is rooted in interagency cooperation to increase communication and efficiently manage the resources necessary to mitigate a single incident / event or expanding situation that span multiple incidents, sites or jurisdictions. ICS has been tested in more than 30 years of emergency and non-emergency applications, by all levels of government and in the private sector. From University move in, to football game day, to NCAA championships, the ICS model is the basis for planning and execution. Agencies using ICS adopt a predefined management hierarchy, processes, and protocols necessary for managing an event. Drawing from professional experience in higher education, event planning and emergency management, this presentation will serve as both an introduction and refresher of the ICS model.  The presenter will: discuss the history of NIMS and ICS; define the five key features of ICS, incident action plan and incident facilities; and reinforce learning through the presentation of real world situations.

Learning Objectives

  • Participants will gain an understanding of how ICS became the standard for emergency management across the country and articulate the benefits of the system.

  • Participants will identify and define the five major management functions of the ICS model and explain scalability.

  • Participants will understand the difference between an emergency and an event.

Chris Dobek, NC State

Chris Dobek is the Assistant Director for Parking Services Facilities Operations at North Carolina State University managing teams responsible for parking permit sales, enforcement, events, facility operations and appeals.  Dobek transitioned to Parking and Transportation after working 10 years in University Student Housing where he managed the housing assignments and billing process for 10,000 students. Outside of his role with the University, Dobek is the Assistant Chief for Training and Recruitment at a local volunteer fire department. 

Demar Bonnemere, NC State

Demar Bonnemere is the Communications Manager for the Transportation Department at NC State University. He is responsible for maintaining the department website and social media accounts. Demar handles all media requests and coordinates outreach opportunities with departments on campus. Demar joined the Transportation Department in 2021 after working for the Athletic Department at NC State for 16 years in Game Operations. Originally from New Jersey, Demar received a bachelor's degree from the State University of New York College at Brockport and a master's from NC State University. Outside the office, Demar builds and sometimes races RC cars, makes pens and other handmade items, and is a League Cycling Instructor through the League of American Bicyclists.

This conference offers up to 7 CAPP Points towards application and the maximum in Program Type 2 for recertification.